What are you doing on 15 October ?

15 octobre 2011 : Tous ensemble pour un changement mondial

15 October 2011 : All together for a worldwide change

On 15 October, people from the entire world will go down the streets and the squares. From America to Asia, from Africa to Europe, these persons mobilize themselves to claim their rights and to demand a real democracy. Now, it’s time to get together in a non violent worldwide movement.

This is an extract of the call for a pacifist worldwide movement which will take place Saturday 15 October. For more details and to check if there is a movement near you, have a look at the website 15october.net.

This movement follows Occupy Wall Street which has started on 17 September, pacifist movement of protest denouncing the abuse of financial capitalism. Since then, this movement has spread in many towns in the US as well as elsewhere in the world. The call of the Wall Street indignants has been translated in french and you can also find many comments of the 99%.

The one thing we all have in common is that we are the 99 % that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1 %.

Do not hesitate to take part of this worldwide pacifist day for a real democracy, you can also sign the petition “The world vs. Wall Street” on the website of Avaaz.


Article written by

Les Chatmouettes c’est avant tout une équipe qui a eu envie de partager leur amour des randonnées en pleine nature sur des véhicules terrestres composées de deux roues alignées entrainé par la force motrice de son conducteur. Chatmouettes, plus qu’un nom, c’est un état d’esprit : Liberté – partage – découverte.

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