Following our previous article, where we informed you that you can follow us on, we received lots of questions.
Your stuff, it’s good but how does it work ? What do we do with it ? We don’t get it ! Do we have to subscribe to follow you ?
We are going to try to answer by making things clearer.
Simply onlooker and without the need to register
The simplest way is go to this web page : where you will see all the messages that we will post or of course on this page : where you will see our messages as well as the ones from those who will follow us. No need to subscribe to enjoy it.
If you are used to the flux rss, you would also be able to receive our little messages on our flux rss drive, you just need to add one of these addresses :
- ATOM format feed of our messages
- ATOM format feed of our messages and of our friends
- other RSS formats are available on our account in the area “informations flux”
Here as well, no need to subscribe.
Finally, please note, but maybe you have already noticed it, that we have already inserted our last messages from on our website in the bar on the right under “Last messages”.
Take part and share
If you already have an account, you probably know already what to do : just click on “subscribe”.
If you don’t have an account yet, creating one is very simple and free of course. You can then start chatting and following other persons. To make it simple, the microblog is like when you use instant messenger (MSN, Live, Gtalk, Jabber/Xmpp …) but they are shared instantly with everybody. You can of course send private messages.
Here again you have many possibilities :
- Use the interface web
- Use a software like StatusNet Desktop (Linux, Mac OS or Windows) or Gwibber under linux (installed by default on Ubuntu for example) which will also enable you to use other accounts like facebook for example
- Use a compatible favorite messenger software Jabber/Xmpp if you have an account like Jabber/Xmpp. For your information, those of you who have an account gmail have also an account Jabber/Xmpp.
- If you have a smartphone Android you can install an application like Mustard or the official application StatusNet.
- Or once again, you can also send messages via email or text
- I probably forget some more …
A free software system open to the world
Well you have understood it, StatusNet, the free software on which is based, is an open social network (and respectful of your private life). Unlike Facebook and Twitter in a way 😉
I hope things are clear now. If you have more informations to add, don’t hesitate !
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Translated by SoF
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